Nursing Staff salary in West Bengal government

Nursing Staff salary in West Bengal government

Nursing Staff salary in West Bengal government Salary by Government of West Bengal paid to Staff Nurse on the same scale to all Nurse. When a Staff Nurse joins for Government job they got first months salary like 30000 INR. This Salary includes Basic Pay + Grade Pay + Allowance and the Scale is 9th

Paramedical salary in West Bengal government

Paramedical salary in West Bengal government

Paramedical salary in West Bengal government Salary for government employees paid on a scale basis. So Paramedical salary in the West Bengal government on the Grade 3 Salary pay scale. When a Paramedical staff joined as a government employee she will be paid above 35000 INR. This salary can be divided into Basic pay + Grade

SMFWB courses list, eligibility, Duration, Job opportunity, (Govt. & Private), Salary

SMFWB courses list, eligibility,

SMFWB courses list, eligibility, Duration, Job opportunity, (Govt. & Private), Salary State Medical Faculty Paramedical courses list, eligibility, Duration, Job opportunity, (Govt. & Private), Salary West Bengal Paramedical courses are offered by SMFWB or West Bengal State Medical Faculty. SMFWB is an autonomous body that conducts a yearly admission test and Preliminary & Final examination